Promotion and Retention Policies

  • Board Policy IHE: Promotion and Retention

    Status: ADOPTED
    Original Adopted Date: 05/16/2006 Last Revised Date: 01/27/2020  

    The Board of Education hereby authorizes each school to develop procedures or regulations that specify how the state-adopted assessments and what local promotion criteria will be used in making decisions concerning promotion, placement, or retention of students in Kindergarten and Grades 1 through 8 . Such procedures or regulations must be approved by the Superintendent or designee(s) and shall provide for the following:

    1. A variety of assessment data will be used to determine whether a  student is performing on grade level or achieving at a level which, with accelerated, differentiated, or additional instruction or interventions, would allow the student to perform at grade level by the conclusion of the subsequent school year.
    2. When the student is not performing at such level the teacher must implement an intervention plan as set forth in regulations and procedures.
    3. A mechanism shall be established at each school whereby a school level team will review a student's performance and readiness for the next grade level prior to any decision to retain the student.
    4. Prior to a student's retention, the student's parents/guardians must be notified of the possibility of retention and given the opportunity to attend a meeting to discuss the matter.
    5. School level promotion and retention decisions shall be final. There shall be no appeal of promotion/retention or grading decisions beyond the school level.

    ECSD Board of Education Policy IHE: Promotion and Retention