• Employee Self Service (ESS) gives the employees of Elbert County School District the ability to monitor and maintain their personal and employment information such as:

    • Pay/Tax Information
    • Personal Information
    • Leave Information/Balances

    Some of these pages allow users to make a transaction or complete a  process while others pages allow users to update or change their own information.  Still, other pages are available for view in inquiry mode only.

    Login Information

    Once you have clicked on the login link shown below, you will be directed to the login screen.  The login screen is where you will supply your Elbert County username and password.

    If you have problems logging into ESS with your Elbert County username and password, please contact Dana Tiller at dtiller@elbert.k12.ga.us.

    Please note that upon leaving employment with ECSD, you should edit your profile to include a personal email address instead of your district email.  This will ensure future access.  Former employees will need to contact Dana Tiller at dtiller@elbert.k12.ga.us to get help.

     Click here to open ESS