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Electronic Flyer Policy

The Elbert County School District approves the distribution of Electronic Flyers that:

Promote an educational experience for students or parents, a healthy use of leisure time and/or a special enrichment activity.

Information targeted to staff that announce job-releated activities and instructional opportunities related to the Elbert County School District.

Flyers that meet the requirements of Board Policy KJ.

The Elbert  County School District will not approve Electronic Flyers that:

Are lewd, obscene, or slanderous

Promote any particular political interest, canidate, party, or ballot measure.

Incite students to commit unlawful acts, voilate school rules, or distrupt the orderly operations of schools.

Proselytize religous believes.

Position the District on any side of a controversial issue.

Discriminate against, attack, or denigrate any group on account of gender, race, age, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, or other unlawful consideration.

Promote the use or sale of materials or services that are illegal or inconsistent with school objectives, including, but not limited to, materials or advertisements for tobacco, intoxicants, and movies or products unsuitable for children.

Flyers that don't meet the requirements of Board Policy KJ.