Assessment & Accountability
Both state and local mandates require student participation in a wide array of assessments. The state and local assessments administered in Elbert County Schools assess the state-mandated content standards, Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE).
- Monitor student progress relative to the state mandated content standards
- Inform decisions regarding placement for special programming
- Assess program effectiveness
- As a planning tool for school improvement
For more information about student achievement and College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI), visit the Georgia Department of Education's CCRPI Accountability page.
Testing Information
Georgia Department of Education - Testing/Assessment website
ACCESS for ELLS (Grades K - 12)
ACCESS for ELLs is administered, annually, to all English learners in Georgia. ACCESS for ELLs is a standards-based, criterion referenced English language proficiency test designed to measure English learners’ social and academic proficiency in English. It assesses social and instructional English as well as the language associated with language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies within the school context across the four language domains. ACCESS for ELLs meets the federal requirements that mandates states to evaluate EL students in grades K through 12 on their progress in learning to speak English.
- ACCESS for ELLs Overview
- ACCESS for ELLs Resources
- ACCESS for ELLs Test Demo
- ACCESS for ELLs Test Practice and Sample Items
- 2021-2022 ACCESS for ELLs Informative Guide for Score Reports
ACT (High School)
The ACT® test assesses high school students' general educational development and their ability to complete college-level work.
The multiple-choice tests cover four skill areas: English, mathematics, reading, and science.
The Writing Test, which is optional, measures skill in planning and writing a short essay.
How do students benefit from taking the ACT?
The ACT is universally accepted for college admission.
The ACT is curriculum-based. The ACT is not an aptitude or an IQ test. Instead, the questions on the ACT are directly related to what students have learned in high school courses in English, mathematics, and science. Because the ACT tests are based on what is taught in the high school curriculum, students are generally more comfortable with the ACT than they are with traditional aptitude tests or tests with narrower content.
The ACT is more than a test. The ACT also provides test takers with a unique interest inventory that provides valuable information for career and educational planning and a student profile section that provides a comprehensive profile of a student's work in high school and his or her future plans.
GAA 2.0 (Grades 3 - 8 & HS)
The Georgia Alternate Assessment (GAA) 2.0 is comprised of standardized performance tasks and is intended to provide tiered participation within the assessment for students working at various levels of complexity. The GAA 2.0 is designed to measure the degree to which students with significant cognitive disabilities have mastered alternate achievement standards in the core content areas of English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.
Georgia Milestones Assessment System (Grades 3 - HS)
The Georgia Milestones Assessment System (Georgia Milestones) is a comprehensive summative assessment program spanning grades 3 through high school. Georgia Milestones End-of Grade (EOG) study guides and End-of-Course (EOC) study guides are available for teachers and families to help prepare students for the Georgia Milestones assessments.
- Georgia Milestones Overview
- Georgia Milestones Information for Parents
- Georgia Milestones Information for Parents (Español)
- End of Grade (EOG) Interpretive Guide for Score Reports for Spring 2022
- End of Course (EOC) Interpretive Guide for Score Reports for Winter 2021 - Summer 2022
- Georgia Milestones Test Blue Prints
- Experience Online Testing Georgia - Practice Site for Georgia Milestones
- The Georgia Student Growth Model
MAP Growth Assessment (Grades K - 8)
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) is a state-aligned, computerized adaptive assessment program that provides Elbert County Schools educators with the information they need to improve teaching and learning and to make student-focused, data-driven decisions. Students in grades Kindergarten through eight are tested three times per year in math and reading. Educators use the growth and achievement data from MAP Growth to develop targeted instructional strategies and to plan school improvement.
Measure of Academic Progress (MAP)…- is not an accountability test.
- generates test questions based on student responses.
- reports student results in RIT scores.
- gives immediate results.
- is aligned to the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) in reading and math.
- measures growth over time.
- provides information used to target individual instruction.
MAP Growth Parent Guide
MAP Growth Practice Test
MAP Growth Parent Toolkit
Mapping the Road to College
SAT (High School)
The SAT is designed to measure verbal and quantitative reasoning skills that are related to college performance. SAT scores are intended primarily to help forecast the college academic performance of individual students. The tests are administered several times throughout the year.