Elbert County School District
Every Student, Every Day
- Elbert County School District
- Enrollment/Registration
Enrollment and Registration
The information below provides guidance regarding what is needed for registration and how to enroll your child with the Elbert County School District (ECSD). Contact Mrs. Wil Hall, Registrar and Administrative Assistant, with additional questions at 706-213-4000. wil.hall@elbert.k12.ga.us
Georgia law states that a child must be five years old on or before September 1 to enter a public Kindergarten. Georgia also provides a public Pre-K program for students who are four years old on or before September 1.
Registration Information:
- Registration locations are based upon your child's grade. Please bring the required documents as follows:
- KK-12 - Elbert County BOE (Central Office)
- The BOE is located at 50 Laurel Drive. Registration may be completed between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Please call to request an appointment. 706-213-4000
- All Pre-K students enroll at Paul J. Blackwell Learning Center (PJBLC)
- PJBLC is located at 373 Campbell Street. Please call to request and appointment. 706-213-4400
- KK-12 - Elbert County BOE (Central Office)
- The following documents are required upon registering:
- Certified birth certificate
- GA form 3231 (Immunization record)
- Social security card
- Two proofs of residence
- The following documents are requested upon registering:
- GA form 3300 (Hearing - Vision - Dental form)
- Last report card or transcript (high school)
- Regarding Residency:
- A student’s residence is the place the student lives with a parent or legal guardian. Students must live in Elbert County with their guardian to be eligible to enroll in Elbert County Schools. If the current guardian does not reside in Elbert County, then the person that the student is moving in with in Elbert County must be given guardianship before the student can be enrolled in Elbert County Schools.
- The following are acceptable as proof of residency and must reflect the stated address where you reside (telephone and cable bills are NOT acceptable):
- Driver’s license
- Property deed or mortgage documentation
- Lease or rental agreement
- Utility bill (water, electric, gas)
- Property tax receipts
- Car tag registration
- If a student is transferring from another district, we will request records on the student's behalf. A release form will be completed at the time of registration. **Please note** Required registration documents must be received prior to your child's enrollment. These are considered parental care documents. Though we may request records from another school district, please understand any set back in receiving these records may delay enrollment. Please be prepared to provide the required registration documents.
- We are unable to complete registration for high school students until a transcript has been received. This is needed to create a schedule for your child. A release form will be completed at the time of registration. Though we may request records from another school district, please understand any set back in receiving these records may delay enrollment.
Schools: The ECSD is comprised of the following five schools:
Paul J. Blackwell Learning Center (PJBLC) Pre-K Program: (to include the Head Start Program):
373 Campbell Street; 706-213-4400Elbert County Primary School (ECPS): Kindergarten thru 2nd Grade:
1088 Ruckersville Road; 706-213-4700Elbert County Elementary School (ECES): 3rd thru 5th Grades:
1150 Athens Tech Drive; 706-213-4600Elbert County Middle School (ECMS): 6th thru 8th Grades:
1108 Athens Tech Rd.; 706-213-4200Elbert County Comprehensive High School (ECCHS): 9th thru 12th Grades:
600 Abernathy Circle; 706-213-4100Elbert County Alternative Education (EVA) - Housed at ECCHS
Transportation/Bus Routes: Please contact the bus shop at 706-213-4027 to obtain bus route information or contact the school(s) that your child(ren) will attend.
- Homeless Children/McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
Any parent or guardian who may be living in a homeless situation, contact Kate Johnson, Homeless Liaison, at 706-213-4400 for information. - Out of State Transfers
Students moving in from out of state will have thirty days to have immunizations and HVD forms transferred to Georgia Forms 3231 and 3300, respectively. This can be done at the local health department.
Other Documents needed for Enrollment
- Special Education Program
- The parent/guardian may provide a copy of the student’s most recent Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
- Custodial Documents
- The ECSD may request proof of custody in situations involving multiple adults claiming control of the same student(s).
School Meal Programs:
Headstart/Pre-K through 12th grade
All students at PJBLC, ECPS, ECES, ECMS, and ECCHS participate in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program. Under the CEP program, all students receive meals free of charge.Please contact the School Nutrition Director at (706)213-4000 or at bridgette.matthews@elbert.k12.
ga.us if you have questions concerning school meals. - Registration locations are based upon your child's grade. Please bring the required documents as follows: